Anna Resei, based in Hamburg, Germany is recognized for her distinctive use of patterns and colour. Within her work she seamlessly melds abstract and functional interior objects, with a recognizable visual language that is inspired both by digital representation and tangible physical materiality.

The Designer Anna Resei in a colorful blouse, sitting in her studio among her works

Studio portrait photographed by Jenny Bewer 2024.

Since graduating from Design Academy Eindhoven in 2021, Anna continued her solo practice and received several prestigious awards and scholarships.
Starting off by being a finalist of the 15th Design Parade Hyères, her artistic journey lead to renowned exhibitions like the Venice Design Biennial, Milan Design Week, Dutch Design Week, MAKK Cologne, Contextile Biennial and more.
In 2022/23 she has been designer in residence at the Museum of Applied Art & Design in Hamburg, Germany which culminated in her first solo exhibition and the acquisition of work into the permanent collection of the museum. Recently she has taken part in the residency #4 enigmatic refractions as part of IN Residence Design Dialogues.

Collaborations and project requests are welcome!


2025 UPCOMING – Schloss Hollenegg for Design - AT
2024 UPCOMING – Dutch Design Week - Specimen - 15 years Dutch Invertuals - NL
2024 ONGOING – Contextile - Contemporary Textile Art Biennial - Palácio Vila Flor, PT
2024/25 ONGOING – Gustav-Lübcke-Museum - Radiant Doom - Between Anger and Optimism - DE
2024 Bucerius Kunst Forum - The Myth of Home - A Questioning - DE
2024 Südwestfälische Galerie - Digitalität/Textil/Technik - Die Textile - DE
2024 Milan Design Week - Alcova Design Shop - IT
2024 Collectible fair - Brussels, BE
2023/24 MK&G Hamburg - The Ornament. Exemplary beauty - DE
2023 MK&G Hamburg - water carriers - solo exhibition - Residence Fund for Young Design - DE
2023 Dutch Design Week - Messmerizing - NL
2023 GLUE Amsterdam - Hotel Arena - NL
2023 Venice Design Biennial - Auto-Exotic - IT
2023 Milan Design Week - Objects for a New Kind of Society: The way we work - Dutch Invertuals - IT
2023 Milan Design Week - Rē Textile Collection - Envisions - SaloneSatellite, IT
2022 MAKK Cologne - The Circle. The most iconic shape redesigned - Dutch Invertuals - DE
2022/23 Central Museum of Textiles - Entangled State - 17th International Triennial of Tapestry - Łódź, PL
2022 Dutch Design Week - De Snoepwinkel - Plan-B, NL
2022 Dutch Design Week - Expedition Aequalis - Dutch Invertuals x The Future Laboratory London - NL
2022 Vienna Design Week - Fokus:Ornament - AT
2022 Task Force Textiles - the digital has been around for a while - Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg - DE
2022 Milan Design Week - Rising Talents - Isola Design - IT
2022 Milan Design Week - 75 years Design Academy Eindhoven - Intergenerational Graduation Show - IT
2022 Milan Design Week - Newcomer Award onetwenty - German Design Council - IT
2022 YKSI Eindhoven - Tributes to the Craftocene - Rethinking Plastics - NL
2022 Southern Sweden Design Days - solo exhibition - Form Design Center - SE
2022 Design Centre Hamburg - Innovation in Textile Design - DE
2021 Task Force Textiles - the digital has been around for a while - ABK Stuttgart - DE
2021 Dutch Design Week - Objects for a New Kind of Society - Dutch Invertuals x Future Laboratory - NL
2021 Dutch Design Week - Graduation Show - Design Aacdemy Eindhoven - NL
2021 15. Design Parade Hyères - Villa Noailles - FR


2024 JTM Revue – So That You Love Me Again - First Issue
2024 Sight Unseen – 10 Projects We Loved at the 2024 Collectible Fair in Brussels
2024 FRAME magazine – Materiality triumphed at Brussels' Collectible design fair
2024 Heimtextil – Heimtextil Trends 24/25 – New Sensitivity
2023 Vision magazine China – digital waves – issue #192
2023 FRAME magazine – water carriers - issue #152
2023 FRAME magazine – Tele-nomadic Sheltering Unit - issue #151
2022 IFDM – 24 hours in Milan – Tortona/Statale
2022 Zero – Il primo giugno del Fuorisalone
2022 AD Spain – Our favourite pieces of May come with a sustainable label
2022 Dezeen – Anna Resei designs Tele-nomadic Sheltering Unit as a moveable urban dwelling
2022 VIEW magazine – New Frontiers - issue #137
2022 FRAME magazine – Can smart textiles help facilitate autonomous work? - issue #144
2022 Beaux Arts magazine – Focus sur le design néerlandais - p.28
2021 THE : FUTURE : LABORATORY – Designing for the future of Equilibrium Cities
2021 FRAME magazine – 10 Design Academy Eindhoven works that raise new ways of living
2021 Archipanic – 7 concept furnitures by rising designers at Dutch Design Week 2020
2021 Sight Unseen – The Designers on Our Radar After This Year’s Design Parade in Hyères
2021 Etapes magazine – Festival d'Hyères - issue #261


Brain of Materials, Carpt, C.Neeon, DeSede, Dutch Invertuals, EE Labels, Envisions, Frame magazine, Heimtextil, Kneitz, MAKK Cologne, MK&G Hamburg, Textiellab, Wyron

Teaching / workshops / lectures

2023 – 2024 ABK Stuttgart, DE – vistiting lecturer – textile design
2023 Museum of Oriental Arts Turin, IT – IN:Residence - workshop together with Grace Prince
2022 Design Centre Hamburg , DE – lecture 'innovations in textile design' together with Raw Color


MA – Design Academy Eindhoven (DAE), NL
BFA – University of Fine Arts Hamburg (HFBK), DE
Prediploma – State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart (ABK), DE

Legal Information

Anna Resei  
Kunst- und Kulturverein Krapp Krapp e.V. 
2. Stock 
Wendenstr. 331  
20537 Hamburg  

VAT DE4619603783


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selected pieces available via Alcova Design Shop